nedelja, 24. avgust 2014


How time passes and life changes. 
What impact all these tiny things have on us.
So many times I remember how much cheaper everything was when there was no economy inflation.
How much harder it was for me to get through primary school and how easy and carefree was high school. How I fell in love with everybody and how I found a guy so special and stayed in love with him for so long. How I came a long way from Drop dead gorgeous to Lana Del Rey. How much partying we did and how priorities changed when I finally saw the world in a different perspective, - through love's eyes.
And than ... How the world changed. How people changed. 
When friends are not friends any more but they're just people who passed your way and happened to stay around and backstabbing is a daily routine. 
Their masks are so good made it's impossible to tell how many faces people have and which one's real and fake. And who's a true friend and won't leave you behind when someone new comes along.
How boyfriend/girlfriend thing is now only friends with benefits thing and relationships are all about cheating and money. All people are interested in are new clothes, gossips and perfections. So nobody can see how insecure and imperfect you are. 
And life of a rich and famous when they're neither. 

Meeting people who are not all that and we still share the same values in life are making my days full-filled and happy.
Because if I quote John Legend: ˝Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.˝ I say it all. ;)

And when changes come to mind, there is always a thought about fashion and clothing.
At first clothing was made to protect our bodies from weather and all types of injuries.
Now they're revealing skin, curves, legs and hiding our flosses. Most of the times showing off too much and hiding too little.
More is more and less is just not fine. 
Fashion is funny. It's changing so fast we can barely keep up, and it's made for the new cloths to be old in a week.
Changes. What I'm wearing on these photos below is very similar to what I was wearing about 7 years ago. And everybody were saying it's a Halloween costume.

Now they call it fashion.

And it feels good. 

Photocredit: Nina G.

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